
Hello, I’m Mio. Today, I’d like to introduce you to a mysterious and fascinating place, Aokigahara. Aokigahara, also known as the Sea of Trees, is a forest located at the base of Mount Fuji in Yamanashi Prefecture. It is known for its dense trees and unique geological features. Let’s explore the intriguing aspects of Aokigahara together!

Chapter 1: Overview of Aokigahara

Aokigahara is a forest at the northwest base of Mount Fuji, covering about 30 square kilometers (3,000 hectares). This is roughly the size of 640 Tokyo Domes or half of the area inside the Yamanote Line. The forest was formed over lava flows from past eruptions of Mount Fuji, creating a unique and eerie atmosphere. The forest is dense with trees and has many underground caves and tunnels.

Chapter 2: History and Fun Facts

Aokigahara has a long history connected to Mount Fuji’s volcanic activity. The forest has been associated with various myths and legends over the centuries.

Fun Facts:

  • Aokigahara is also called the “Sea of Trees” because of its dense and lush tree coverage.
  • The forest is known for its eerie quietness due to the dense trees and the lava rocks that absorb sound​.
  • It is a popular spot for hikers and adventurers who want to explore its mysterious landscape.

Chapter 3: Recommended Activities

1. Hiking

Aokigahara offers several well-marked hiking trails. The trails provide a safe way to explore the forest while enjoying the unique scenery. The most popular trails include the Narusawa Ice Cave Trail and the Wind Cave Trail.

2. Exploring Caves

Aokigahara is famous for its ice and wind caves. The Narusawa Ice Cave is known for its year-round ice formations, while the Fugaku Wind Cave features unique rock formations and is cooler than the outside temperature. Both caves are open to visitors and provide a fascinating glimpse into the forest’s geology.

3. Forest Bathing

The peaceful and quiet environment of Aokigahara makes it an excellent place for forest bathing, a practice of immersing oneself in nature to reduce stress and improve well-being. Take a leisurely walk and enjoy the serene atmosphere.

4. Photography

Aokigahara’s unique landscape and eerie beauty make it a great spot for photography. Capture the dense forest, twisted tree roots, and the tranquil ambiance of this mystical place.

Chapter 4: Seasonal Information


In spring, Aokigahara is filled with new leaves and blossoms. The forest comes alive with greenery, making it a great time for hiking and exploring.


Summer in Aokigahara is cool and refreshing, a perfect escape from the heat. The dense canopy provides shade, making it an ideal time for longer hikes and cave exploration.


Autumn brings vibrant colors to Aokigahara. The forest is painted in reds, oranges, and yellows, creating a stunning backdrop for your adventure.


Winter in Aokigahara is quiet and peaceful. Snow may cover the forest floor, adding a magical touch. It’s a great time to visit the ice caves and enjoy the serene beauty of the forest.

Chapter 5: Nearby Attractions

1. Mount Fuji

Aokigahara is located at the base of Mount Fuji. You can combine your visit with a trip to Mount Fuji, one of Japan’s most iconic landmarks.

2. Lake Saiko

Lake Saiko is one of the Fuji Five Lakes and is located near Aokigahara. It offers beautiful views of Mount Fuji and opportunities for boating and fishing.

3. Fuji-Q Highland

Fuji-Q Highland is a popular amusement park near Aokigahara. It features thrilling rides and attractions with stunning views of Mount Fuji.

Chapter 6: Transportation Access

You can get to Aokigahara by taking a train to Kawaguchiko Station, then a bus to the forest. There are also parking areas if you prefer to drive. Please check the transportation details in advance, as they may change.


Aokigahara is a unique and mysterious place where you can explore the beauty and intrigue of nature. Please visit Aokigahara and experience its charm. Thank you for reading! See you next time!

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